Soundtrack of the Trip

January 18, 2015 Carter No comments exist

You know how you hear a song and it immediately takes you back to a place in your past?  I think most of us share that, at least I heard plenty of people talk about it over the years.  I suppose there is a spectrum of how much a song means to us in any particular moment and then to what value it gets within that memory.  I don’t really care about the psychology behind it i just like that it happens.

For me, memories always have a soundtrack.  Sometimes good and sometimes bad… Not bad in the sense that the memory was disturbing, its more like “why the hell do I have to have that song running my head.”   The problem is that I like a lot of music from from a lot of different genres.  Not all can be winners.  A lot of guilty pleasure music slips into my world.  My base line is rock and roll that was influenced by the 70’s and 80’s punk bands, but there is some embarrassing crap in my iTunes library also.  For example, I have no idea why I listen to most every 70’s California soft rock/love song that comes on the radio.  But I do…Then my poor wife has to listen to how I want to be moored on a boat in some marina drinking a glass of wine at sunset.  The thing is I don’t even really drink wine, but thats what my mind says Im drinking in this scenario.

This week I was watching Sonic Highways on HBO and it was the episode where the Foo Fighters are in Nashville.  A big part of that show was the bands connection to Zac Brown and his band.  At one point in the show they played a few bars of a Zac Brown song and I was immediately transported to the T-33 trail in Boulder County Colorado.  I drove that trail this fall with Zac Brown Band’s – Live from Bonnaroo on repeat in my TJ.  Now every time I hear those songs I get to go to Colorado in head.  I get the entire experience played back to me from trail head to end.  By the way, if you do ever find your way to this trail, take the time to pack a lunch and go up the “Dead-End Hill.”  It has great views and is a great spot to maybe have a refreshment.  Not wine, but maybe a Barleywine. You can’t be that close to Ft. Collins and not pick up a few speciality brews for the campsite.

I would be very interested to know that songs bring back cool memories for you.  Please take a moment to comment and share your thoughts.

Until next time, Just Keep Jeepin, Carter


T33 Plaque
Plaque at the trail head
Engine segment thats about 100 yards down the trail
Wing section
Wing section of the T-33


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